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How to Find a Good Virtual Assistant

How to Find a Good Virtual Assistant

Where Can I Find A Good Virtual Assistant?

Referenced Links:

  • Upwork


People are looking for you, but they don't know how to observe yous. #vatip Gotta Tweet!

Show how great y'all are through your blog. #vatip Gotta Tweet!

Go clients that deserve you lot by treating yourself well. #vatip Gotta Tweet!

In Words:

Virtual Assistant business owner, how are you today?  You're listening to episode number 57.  We are approaching the stop of the 50s in these episodes and I am amazed each and every calendar week by the emails I get, the comments, the shares, and the tweets.  Keep that coming.  Your feedback is so appreciated, and the fact that I know at least one person that's listening makes it so that every unmarried week I brand sure that I'm recording a tip, something to share with y'all, some encouragement, motivation, whatever information technology is, to continue doing your Virtual Assistant business.

Today, we're going to talk about the fact that people are notwithstanding looking for you.

All week this week I saw, "Where practise you lot find a good Virtual Assistant?"  Where did I see that?  Online, of grade, because that's where I live all twenty-four hour period every day.  They're looking for you.  They don't know how to find yous.

I jotted a few things down that I wanted to brand certain I share.  I'm certain other things volition come out.  But the starting time affair is an easy thing.  I want you to wait at your social media bios, and this is myself included.  I had to become dorsum and exercise this.

Sometimes nosotros become fancy.  Nosotros want to get fancy with how nosotros depict our business and what we exercise, and at that place'southward nothing wrong with that.  There'due south ebbs and flows in how that works.  Merely if people don't know how to detect u.s., they may merely be typing in Virtual Banana on Facebook, or they may just be typing it in Google.  I don't know how they're looking for us, but they are looking for a VA.  They know that.  They're looking for a Virtual Assistant.

In your social media bios, include it.  I'm non talking about like your personal profile, your Facebook proper noun, Tiffany Parson, and then in parenthesis (Virtual Assistant).  No, that'south not what I mean.  I mean on your business page.  Lately, some people accept only been confusing when they say, "Page," they're really meaning their personal contour.  That's just a little pet peeve of mine.  I'm like yous mean your personal profile?  Totally dissimilar – business page is where people have to click like.  That's what I mean.

In that bio, not your business page proper name, but in the bio – and let me click on mine and I can tell you exactly – in the nigh section.  I'thou not proverb you accept away what yous have in there at present.  I mean you lot add to it.  Y'all put Virtual Assistant in there, whatever kind of Virtual Assistant yous are.  I'k a Technical Virtual Assistant, so mine is going to have Technical Virtual Assistant in in that location.  It's going to include it in there.  Right at present it does not, but I'yard going to accept information technology updated by the time this show goes live.

You know where else you lot tin can put it?  You lot can put information technology on your personal profile, not with your proper noun, though.  Only they accept some type of trivial – let me see.  What is it called now added on the personal profiles?  Let me get here to my timeline.  Intro – your intro.  You could put information technology in your intro every bit well.  People are looking for us.  Allow's put it in those places, so in the intro of your personal contour.  Get alee and stick information technology in there with whatever you have.

If y'all don't accept an intro at all, this is a expert time to accept an intro.  If you don't take a Facebook concern page where people can click like, this is a good time to practise that.  In the short description and long description, brand sure information technology is in there, that people see that you're a Virtual Assistant.  Not just on Facebook, only on Twitter, on Instagram, and I'm going to say wherever you post on a regular footing.  If you haven't been to Pinterest in a while, you don't plan to become to Pinterest in a while, then agree off.  Make a notation.  You'll update information technology later.

But let's address the accounts that we get to every single day.  Those are my three right now – Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  Pinterest is out there, but I haven't pinned a thing in months.  I need to get on it.  But, hey, focus on what you lot tin can focus on.  Then much is going on.

Update your social media bios to include what type of Virtual Assistant yous are.  If you are an Administrative Virtual Assistant, put Authoritative Virtual Banana.  If you are a Social Media Virtual Assistant, put Social Media Virtual Assistant.  Now, this is not the place to give the details.  Y'all just want them to know that you are ane, and so when they see information technology they'll be like, oh, okay, okay, I'thousand looking for one, and will be pressed to inquire, enquire you questions, find out more than information.

Now, the question they're having is where tin I find a good Virtual Assistant?  At this bespeak, we've put information technology in our bios, so if they're searching we'll come up up.  But how do they know we're good?  Merely considering you've got Virtual Banana in all your intros and abouts and bios doesn't hateful you lot're skillful.

Where do you show off that you're a skillful Virtual Assistant?  You do that on your website.  Do that on your website.

If you practise not have a WordPress website, I demand yous to mail something on my Facebook folio, shout out on Twitter.  I'm curious to know why.  Is the technical part getting yous?  Are y'all in the centre of it?  Are y'all waiting on it from someone?  Tell me what's up with your website.  Is this something that you desire to practice yourself; you don't know how to practice yourself?  Tell me what's upward.  I want to aid you get that upwards.

You need your own website considering on a Facebook business page, you definitely don't want to put your Upwork link on a Facebook business page.  No.  You desire to keep your Upwork stuff on Upwork and your business link, what you own, on your social media platforms.  Where you testify how skillful, how great you are as a Virtual Assistant is through your blog, what you're writing, the data you're sharing for your clients.

There is something that you lot have to say to every single client that comes through your virtual doors that volition make a great blog post.

If they take to send yous certain data based on their particular project, and it'south the same beyond the board for everybody, wouldn't information technology be awesome if y'all had a web log post that you lot could only send them that link to read and provide that information for you?  Here's a topic and so you piece of work out the kinks for the championship, just the topic would be something similar viii Things To Exercise Before You Outsource Your Bookkeeping or five Things To Practice Before You Outsource Your Email Support.

Those types of blogs are pretty much the aforementioned information that you would share with somebody who's calling, looking for those services, or emailing looking for those services.  Who'south looking for email back up, bookkeeping, who's looking for social media.  You're breaking down what they need to exercise first.

It could be a whole series.  If you've added a new service, and I talked about testing out a new service in the final episode, and if y'all're calculation a new service, hey, write a web log post series for that.  I know it's easier said than done.  Leave your notes on your phone to jot down some ideas.  Use a recorder app on your phone.  Speak some ideas.  Make information technology a indicate to practice that.  If information technology'due south time to freshen up, if those blog posts are hidden deep and it's time to freshen upward, freshen them up.  I'one thousand with you.  Information technology's time for me to freshen them up.  Allow's freshen them upward.

One of the sessions in the Summer Eastward-Kick Camp we did a while dorsum was nigh creating content for your blog.  I'yard pretty sure I'yard going to pull that out and make it a standalone training by itself so you guys tin go access to that and get some more tips on creating good content, showing that you're a peachy VA in your blog.

On social media, what do you practise on social media?  Social media is non for us to pitch, pitch, pitch, pitch our business.  Exist a real person.  Evidence that you're a existent person, not but one notation.  Show that y'all're a real person.  Share the things that yous enjoy doing, what movies yous like to see, where you've gone, what you're doing.

During the day this week I'm sitting at that place and to brand break up the quietness in the twenty-four hours I may just have random selfies.  Most of them don't go posted online.  It's really to become me comfy with taking pictures and seeing myself and all this stuff.

Simply share some of those things.  If you're big on recipes, you're large on organize, share that stuff.  It doesn't need to exist all VA stuff 100% of the time.  About of the time simply be you.  But exist you.  Y'all'll never run out of being you.  If things change with your business, guess what?  Y'all're all the same the same.  Yous're still you.  Anyway, your weblog, the whole indicate of that is to demonstrate that you lot know your stuff.  Okay.

The other thing, I desire to press the issue – and I posted this on my Facebook folio.  I merely want to tell you what I said.  A professional Virtual Banana has a schedule just like you'd look a doctor, accountant, attorney, hairstylist, nail technician, etc to have.  It's rare to go a aforementioned twenty-four hour period appointment with anyone listed above, and those are the people that I named.

Here's the tip – please stop negotiating your terms.

You lot are a not bad Virtual Assistant.  You're a great business owner.  You do not have to negotiate your terms.  Every single time I did this I just kicked myself.  I just was like, oh, why did I do that?

Perfect example, yous accept set days when you schedule calls and appointments with prospective clients.  If someone wants to jump out of that schedule, y'all know, you accept your schedule set for a reason, whatever the reason is.  It's none of my business what the reason is, and information technology'due south none of their business what the reason is.

When they want to go outside of the scheduled time and you concur, what you lot communicate is that my schedule doesn't matter.  Information technology'south really flexible.  Fifty-fifty though I said these are the times, ignore that because we can schedule it, you know, it doesn't matter.  Yous run the show, whenever you desire to do it.  When you do that, down the route, you've already sent the bespeak that I take these terms only everything is flexible.  I might exist going to the whole extreme nigh everything is flexible.  But stick to what you say.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.  Simply we're non talking about an exception.  We're going to focus on the rule.  Stick to it, and your rates. Stick to it.  Stick to information technology.  Stick to it.  Okay.

You don't want to compromise your skills, your experience, or your noesis.

You come with so much stuff.  Man, you lot come with then much stuff.  People should be honored to have you lot.  A long time agone a charabanc told me, "You want clients who deserve to have you."  Aye!  Don't we all want clients that deserve to have u.s.?

Let me tell yous.  I have 2 astonishing Virtual Administration that I outsource to and both of them I've been working with for years, years considering we have a overnice period of how we work.  One of the VAs I knew personally from church building and the other ane I met on Elance.  Shannon, she's listening now.  She does all the transcriptions for me for the podcast, and because I've fix a deadline to go things to her, that is a way for me to be accountable to all of you lot because I gave her a deadline of when I requite her things.

I know if I'g off my deadline that messes her up.  That messes her schedule upwardly and now I cease up falling outside of her terms.  Sometimes I miss, I'yard late, and what I make certain to tell her is that I know information technology's by our borderline.  I know it's late, and then whenever you lot can get this washed.  We're off our schedule now.  I know that, so whenever.

Merely sometimes we're working with people that aren't like that.  If they're late, they don't intendance that they pushed yous back and messed up what you take going or your schedule.  Yous want clients that deserve you.  The way you get those clients is you treat yourself well.  You respect yourself every bit a business owner.  You stick to your terms, your schedule, and your rate.  You stick to that.

I think it was on a show somewhere, Dr. Phil said, "You lot teach people how to treat you," and we do.  We are teaching them every single twenty-four hour period.  Whether information technology'southward what we desire them to learn or not, but we're communicating those letters.  When we negotiate time and negotiate rates – if I took a poll at present I'd be curious to know how many times did that work out?  If I merely accept a poll of myself and all the dissimilar scenarios, nine times out of x it did not.

Anyway, clients are looking for you considering y'all're astonishing.  We need to put ourselves out there more than.  I know it's hard to market ourselves because it's like our whole business concern is u.s.a..  It'southward so close to us.  We have to get the emotions out of it and non worry virtually information technology.

If everybody is telling y'all yeah, something is wrong, just like if everybody is tell you no, something is incorrect.  Yous've got to figure out what it is and get it right.  Once you get it right and you're strong in who you are, yous're confident in what y'all provide, yous're confident in your business, your skill, what you bring to the tabular array, oh man, y'all are going to be a powerhouse.

If y'all're already a powerhouse, keep rocking it.  Come across the areas that could be improved.  All of us could apply some improvement.  I gave you the one simple tweak at the starting time most calculation the Virtual Assistant in your bio.  Add that in at that place, and don't just put VA.  Spell it out and then there'due south no question near what VA it is, whether it'south Virtual Banana, Veteran, or Virginia.  There's no question near what VA that is, right.

You may have some people that merely come up considering they're curious about what a Virtual Assistant does and what a Virtual Assistant is, and you could exist the one to share that with them.  Y'all never know who they know, whether they're the prospective client or somebody that they know is.

I woke up this morning time feeling actually pressed to just tell y'all put yourself out in that location.  Let people know you lot exist.  Don't exist afraid of the risk.  Don't be agape, and go afraid.  It's okay.  It's okay if your knees are shaking.  You're like, oh, I put it out there.  It's okay.  Merely you put it out there.  Don't take it all.

How many times take you posted something before and so you lot're like, oh, I don't know.  I'one thousand non getting any likes.  I don't know.  Nobody's responding.  I'grand going to have it down.  Have you always done that?  Me also.  You're non lone.  Put it out at that place.  Put it out there.  No fisherman always caught fish with his net in his pocket.  Put it out in that location.

Thanks and then much for tuning in. If you like what you lot heard, stay tuned. We'll be back. Tell me what's going on with you. Come on over the Facebook page:, or if you prefer a little shorter message, come on over to Twitter: @tiffanydparson.

Encounter you lot side by side time!

How to Find a Good Virtual Assistant

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